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Andres Moreno

I'm Andres Moreno, Principal Software Architect at Caylent. I focus on serverless techonology in AWS

How to update Lambda Functions from Common JS to ECMAScript

Follow these 3 steps to update your Common JS Lambda Functions to ECMAScript Modules (ESM)

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Cartoon image of a laptop with gears and a person with a big wrench

Version 5.0.0 of the @middy/core package no longer supports Common JS in favor of ECMAScript Modules (ESM). ESM improves performance by 2X as mentioned in this post. Seeing this change prompted me to investigate what needs to be updated to get Lambda functions to be ESM to not fall behind on my dependency versions. In this post, we’ll go through the 3 steps needed to go from Common JS to ESM.

Speed up new serverless application development with customized SAM templates

Learn how you can use custom templates with SAM to speed up initial application setup.

3-Minute Read


As you start setting patterns and best practices within your projects at some point you will want to share these to simplify the lives of other developers.
SAM allows you to initialize projects by using the init command and selecting a template for your project. SAM has built-in templates to generate simple Hello-World starter projects (you can find the list of templates here). These will help you get started and get familiar with how to structure your serverless applications but as your…

How to Run the JavaScript AWS SDK Locally

Learn how to setup locally to run the AWS SDK using SSO and named profiles

3-Minute Read

Engineers working in laptops

When using Access Keys I got used to setting the default profile in my credentials file and it worked just fine. When I began having to manage more accounts and switched to SSO, updating the default profile becomes more of a pain. I will show you a couple of ways to authenticate the SDK using named profiles.

Add Authentication to Portman API tests

Testing secure APIs through automation can be a pain. Thankfully Portman provides an easy way to include authentication in your test automation.

4-Minute Read

Portman CLI

When creating an API you want to have security to avoid bad usage and incurring cost by unintended use. Whenever we add a security layer to our APIs any automation that we have around it automatically becomes more complex. Portman provides ways to configure authentication to be used when it runs. In this post we will configuring Portman to successfully run against our secure API.

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