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Andres Moreno

I'm Andres Moreno, Principal Software Architect at Caylent. I focus on serverless techonology in AWS

Drop the layers, bundle up with ESBuild instead

Learn how you can structure your serverless projects to share code between Lambda Functions using ESBuild instead of Lambda Layers.

5-Minute Read

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I’ve seen a lot of posts around the problems that Lambda Layers bring. A very good one is called You shouldn’t use Lambda Layers by AJ Stuyvenberg. In this post AJ explains the myths and cons of using Lambda Layers. What is not easy to find is examples on how to actually get rid of Lambda Layers by using a bundler. In this post we will go through a structure and configuration that allows us to remove Layers by using ESBuild to bundle the dependencies and shared code for our…

How to build a Serverless API in AWS without using a single lambda

Learn what is needed to build a Lambdaless API using AWS API Gateway, DynamoDB, OpenAPI and CloudFormation.

8-Minute Read

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A common way people build serverless APIs is by routing an API Gateway request to an AWS Lambda. This will make another request to a different AWS Service. It often goes unnoticed that API Gateway can integrate with other AWS Services without the need of Lambda.

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