Using Amazon Cognito with the user-password flow
In May I released a post on how to secure APIs using machine-to-machine authentication. Exactly one day after that AWS Cognito changed their pricing model and now my proposed solution would generate cost for me. In this post I will go through a different setup using the user-password auth flow. This will still allow us to authenticate from automations and from Postman while keeping us in the free tier.

On my post called Secure API Gateway with Amazon Cognito using SAM I talked about different Auth terms and walked through a setup to use the Client Credentials Flow, but Cognito recently introduced pricing changes for machine-to-machine authentication that will make this cost us and my main goal is to do this while staying in the free tier for personal projects that will not be generating any income. That is why in this post I am going to setup Amazon Cognito using a different flow called user…